Delicious grilled octopus accompanied by an exquisite salad of fresh vegetables and our Habanero Chili Smoked Sauce “La Meridana”, ideal to enjoy in gatherings with your friends, they’ll love it!
Preparation time: 1 hour 30 min
Difficulty: Medium
3 servings
- 1 whole cooked octopus of 800 gr. (you can get it like this at the supermarket)
- 50 ml of soy sauce
- 30 ml of olive oil
- 2 smashed garlic cloves
- 50 ml of lemon juice
- smoked salt to taste
- pepper to taste
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable or chicken broth
- 1 tsp of paprika
- 1 beet
- 1 carrot
- 1 zucchini
- 1 sour orange
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 splash of olive oil
- Rinse the octopus under running water and check that it does not have a tooth, if so, remove it. (The tooth is like a black star that the octopus has just behind its mouth, the mouth is the hole where all the tentacles meet at the bottom).
- In a bow mix all the ingredients and marinate the octopus for 1 hour before putting it on the grill. Let it rest in the refrigerator for a whole hour.
- Peel the beets and the carrots and cook them for 20 min or until you can stick a knife into them.
- Light the grill while the vegetables are cooking and the octopus is marinating.
- Once the flame is ready and the octopus marinating time is over. Grill the octopus over high heat on each side for 10 minutes. Put the pre cooked vegetables and the raw pumpkin in slices to grill too.
- During the whole process of grilling the octopus, varnish it with the same broth that you marinated it with.
- Once the vegetables are smoked, put them on a large plate, cut into slices, bathed with olive oil, the juice of the sour orange, salt and pepper to taste. Then put the whole smoked octopus on top and enjoy!